030722-Survivorship and Supportive Care

030722-Survivorship and Supportive Care

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Cancer Survivorship and Supportive Care

Care beyond treatment that continues throughout life

Supporting cancer patients and caregivers with an emphasis on education, symptom management, prevention and wellness.

Let us show you what survivorship can be. Contact OhioHealth CancerCall Monday-Friday, 8 AM-5 PM at (800) 752-9119.

Our Cancer Survivorship and Supportive Care program offers customized care plans to help you find your new normal.

Whether you are actively receiving cancer treatment, or have completed your treatment plan, you can be referred by your doctor to one of our survivorship clinic specialists.


We believe survivorship begins the moment you are diagnosed with cancer, continues as you receive treatment, and extends throughout your life.

We will help you prepare for a healthy life during and after treatment by connecting you with information and resources about nutrition, fitness and other wellness support options.

Explore Survivorship at OhioHealth

Survivorship Clinic and Care Programs

Our team of specialists helps you put together a personalized survivorship plan and connects you to the support you need.

See Our Offerings

Patient Navigators

Providing personalized support for all the tasks, decisions, emotions and physical affects you face throughout treatment.

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Prevention and Wellness

Classes and content to guide you toward a healthy lifestyle during your cancer journey, including exercise videos for your personal use.

See Our Offerings
A man participating in a virtual support group.

Education and Support Groups

Useful information for cancer patients and survivors straight from our experts, including our Cancer Survivorship Lecture Series.

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Financial, Spiritual and Social Services

A collection of resources to meet your financial, spiritual and personal needs during your cancer journey.

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Cosmetic Care

We offer several services to meet your personal needs during your cancer journey, including a special therapy that may help prevent treatment-related hair loss.

See our services

OhioHealth CancerCall

Get in touch with a cancer specialist who can answer your questions and connect you to our cancer physicians, programs and services. Contact OhioHealth CancerCall Monday-Friday, 8 AM-5 PM.